42cm x 36cm x 18cm
Clay Sculptures on Mirror
“A further interesting proof of the influence of schemata in perception arises when we try to see it as third thing, a thingummybob, neither duck nor rabbit.” Jencks, C. (1969) ‘Semiology and Architecture’.
The two sculptures are based on a repeated frieze found on the exterior of the Architectural Library. In his writings on the Library, Jencks remarks: ‘The ‘rabbit’ frieze drops just below the face and two ‘rabbits’ are actually sliced to indicate their non-structural role’. Early in my research I discovered two slides of Joseph Jastrow’s rabbit-duck illusion located in the Slidescrapers; mounted vertically and horizontally. The illusion has been remade in the style and form of the frieze. The sculpture’s positioning on a mirror panel allows for the original frieze design to enter into the space.
The Cosmic House, London. Autumn/Winter 2024
Photo: Thierry Bal