Nietzsche Memorial Hall (phase 1)


Installation, various elements

Floorplan Transparencies on Overhead Projector

Carved polystyrene foam and paint

Monitor with Interview

This exhibition formed the first part of a two phase project, in collaboration with the Art Historian Simone Bogner. The artist met Simone during the residency period in Weimar, 2011. Simone and her research partner Maurizio de Rosa were undertaking an extensive 6-month research project into the disused building Nietzsche-Gedächtnishalle (Nietzsche Memorial Hall) on Humboldtstraße. The building was turned into a radio station during the GDR period and remained so until the MDR (Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk), moved out in the 2000.


The artist posed a series of questions to Simone about her research. The responses formed a monologue soundtrack with the images supplied by Simone herself, showing pictures outside of her research project, including schematic information and general photographs. The resulting film vaguely synchronises the two forms of description. The film can be watched in English or in German.


The following images show Phase 1 of the project exhibited at the ACC Gallery. The installation included the video and overlaid floor plans of the building on an overhead projector. Additionally a slide carousel shows images of re-constructed signage found within the building by the artist and made to mimic Simone and Maurizio’s labelling system.


On Dilettantism, ACC Galerie, Weimar. Spring 2012

Photography: Claus Bach

Installation view ACC Gallery | 2012 | photos: Claus Bach


Floorplan Transparencies on Overhead Projector


Raum / Boden / Installationen Carved polystyrene foam and paint