Auto-Luminograms (1977-2019)


Digital photographs

45cm x 30cm (six)

(from left to right)








In Schlesischer Park, Berlin; stands one of the few remaining Watch Towers used during the times of the German Democratic Republic which acted as a lookout and deterrent for those looking to cross the Berlin Wall from the surrounding ‘death strip’.


On the first floor are a number of small fold-down rectangular ventilation hatches used to aerate the Watchtower guard’s living accommodation. Since the Tower’s completion in 1977, the hatches facing outwards towards the death strip have become sun-bleached, colour-faded and graffiti splattered, creating a series of memorialised auto-landscapes. These auto-luminograms complicate notions of witnessing and representing sites of trauma in the present. 


Each photograph is designated and displayed according to its orientation: from east-southeast to north-northwest. 


Inter-regnum-um-um, CheLA/ Art Basel, Buenos Aires. September 2019